Friday, March 20, 2009

Eight Things

8 THINGS. . . .

8 T.V. Shows I Watch:

1. Brothers and Sisters
2. Desperate Housewives
3. Criminal Minds
4. CSI: Miami, NY
6. Ghost Whisper
7. Gray's Anatomy
8. Numbers

8 Things That Happened Yesterday:

1. Went to the Dr.
2. Went to work
3. Cooked dinner
4. Went to lunch with B
5. Talked to Jason
6. Watched the Cave's game
7. Played with Jabron
8. Watched TV

8 Thing I Am Looking Forward To:

1. The Weekend
2. Finding out the sex of our baby
3. Sweet Sunny Summer
4. Buying a home
5. My babies arrival
6. My parents coming up on Monday
7. Seeing my brother and sister-in-law
8. Being able to fit into my jeans again!!!!

8 Things on My Wish List:

1. New House
2. Organizing anything
3. A Diet Pepsi
4. A new car
5. A Vacation to Hawaii
6. B to paint the appartment
7. To move closer to my mom
8. A goodnight sleep!

8 Things Brian Did Yesterday:

1. Went to the Dr with me
2. Went to work
3. Went to lunch with me
4. Chipped in the back yard (golf)
5. Fixed our computer
6. Played with Jabron
7. Played with my tummy
8. Watched TV

8 People I Tag:

1. Karole
2. Staci
3. Judy
4. Traci
5. Julia
6. Katie T
7. Kae Lynn
8. Mandy

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