Saturday, May 30, 2009


It's been a while since I have posted sorry!!!! We have been so busy with work and playing. As soon as the snow melts and is warm enough B and I try to go golfing during the weekend. So I really have not had time to sit down and blog. Here are some pictures of one of our trips with my mom and dad down at Palisade golf course where I (six months pregnant) was the only one out of the three of us golfing to get a par.

B swinging away.

My dad getting ready!

My mom watching us golf your a sport mom!!!

We have also been busy cleaning out Desmond's room and trying to prepare for his arrival in August. I have also been trying to get girls camp done so I have been slacking on the blogging.
B got my last year birthday present ready to sell today so I am a little sad. He promises to buy me another one later when he is done with school and we are able to afford it. So if you know anyone that wants to buy a Mustang GT send them our way.


Reed & Melinda Family said...

Wow! you have been busy. It always gets crazy when a baby is on the way, but it never settles back down. Take some pics of you I want to see how cute you are with your little belly!

Becca said...

I am so impressed about your golfing. Ivan bought me a set of clubs for my b-day when we lived in Provo, but I haven't played since then. I just like the driving range. I'll have to try it before the belly gets too big.

Karole said...

Hey Tiff it is K.C. How much you selling the car for?